


In the letter received from the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, the establishment of the Fair Organization Information System, where all application processes related to fair organization activities can be made and followed; It is reported that all applications regarding fair organization activities will be made through the system as of 01.08.2023.

It is planned to organize information meetings regarding the system in two separate target groups for Chambers/Exchanges and companies with authorization certificates. It is stated that the first of the meetings to be held for companies will be held on 20 July 2023 and the second on 25 July 2023.

Transactions or applications through the Fair Organization Information System can only be made by the “company representative” and with the e-signature of the company representative. For this reason, in accordance with the provision of “keeping the member records up to date in the common database (TOBB BS membership system)” in Article 9 of the Law No. 5174, updating the representative information of the companies holding the fair organization authorization certificate and obtaining the e-signature of the company representative required.

It is important for companies that have Fair Organization Certificate of Authorization or that want to obtain a Certificate of Authority to participate in the meetings regarding the use of the system, which aims to facilitate all application processes related to fair organization and reduce the workload for all parties. Training programs and detailed information are included in the appendix.

APPENDIX: Information Meeting Programs


  • (Turkish) Ek1: 20.07.2023-25.07.2023 Toplantı Programları (162.77 KB)