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The President of the Alanya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ALTSO), Eray Erdem, is working hard to introduce Alanya on an international level through his constant contacts abroad. President Erdem visited Kazan State University today. He met with Vice Rector Dr Timirkan Alishev to discuss opportunities for cooperation in education. President Erdem met with the Vice Rector to discuss regarding mutual student exchange, internship opportunities, experience sharing of academic staff and possible joint studies.

President Erdem stated that, “We visited Kazan State University, where the founder of the Soviet Union Vladimir Ilyic Lenin and the world famous writer and philosopher Lev Tolstoy studied, and met with Vice Rector Dr Timirkhan Alishev. We informed the Rector about the higher education of Alanya and discussed the possibilities of cooperation. We expressed our common will for the cooperation between our universities in our beautiful Alanya and Kazan University, which has a deep history and has an international reputation for its achievements. We discussed issues such as the mutual exchange of students, which, if established as a cooperation, will be beneficial to both cities. Students from Kazan University studying departments such as tourism and health can do internships in Alanya, and their counterparts from Alanya can gain professional experience in Kazan, especially in the field of foreign language studies. Among our plans, we have highlighted the significance of academic staff from both universities exchanging their experience and collaborating on joint projects. We believe that the process will continue with the support of ALKU and Alanya Universities. I would like to express my gratitude to the Vice Rector for his kind hospitality. We continue to work for our Alanya in the international arena.’’

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