Relevance: Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye 15.08.2023 dated and 34221550-045.03-8930 numbered article;

With the decision of the Personal Data Protection Board numbered 2018/87 published in the Official Gazette dated 18.08.2018, you are aware that real or legal person data controllers whose annual number of employees is less than 50 and whose annual financial balance sheet total is less than 25 million TL are exempted from the obligation to register with the Data Controllers Registry (VERBIS).

Considering that the enterprises in our country have grown in terms of economic indicators, their business volumes have expanded significantly since the publication date of the Board decision. Furthermore, the limit of 25 million TL taken as basis in 2018 is low compared to the current annual financial balance sheet totals. As a result, it has been decided to increase the exemption limit in the Board decision numbered 2018/87 from 25 million Turkish Liras to 100 million Turkish Liras.

Within this scope, real or legal person data controllers with less than 50 employees and less than 100 million Turkish Liras in total annual financial balance sheet are exempted from the obligation to register with VERBIS if their main activity is not processing special categories of personal data.