- Coordinating and supervising the operation of the directorate and the work of the staff,
- To carry out the organization and secretariat of the work of the commissions and boards of the professional committees within the limits of authority delegated by the Secretary General of the Chamber,
- To examine the agenda of ordinary, extraordinary and extended meetings of professional committees. To assist in making decisions by making the necessary explanations at the meetings,
- To present the reports of the meetings of the Professional Committees to the members of the committee and the secretary general,
- To inform the members of the professional committees about the responses received from the relevant institutions and organizations to our chamber as a result of the sectoral initiatives made with the decision of the board of directors or the assembly regarding the decisions taken in the professional committees,
- To carry out the necessary studies regarding the determination of the current commercial practices in our region and the taking of compulsory professional decisions,
- Carrying out sectoral fee tariff studies in accordance with the “Instructions on the Regulation on the Maximum Price Tariffs of Goods and Services Produced by Traders and Industrialists”,
- To carry out the secretariat of the works related to the Chamber Disciplinary Committee in accordance with the TOBB law numbered 5174,
- Preparing and controlling the monthly activity summary (committee and commission decisions, reply letters),
- Contributing to sectoral events and organizations, meetings, panels, seminars, workshops, competitions and fairs and other events,
- “TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board Executive Committee Working Principles and Procedures” and “TOBB Provincial Women Entrepreneurs Board Executive Committee Working Procedures and Principles” and “TOBB Young Entrepreneurs Board Executive Committee Working Procedures and Principles” and TOBB Provincial Young Entrepreneurs Board, ensuring that it is carried out in line with the “Executive Committee Working Procedures and Principles”,
- Evaluating the labor court precedent fees (employer and employer precedent fees, gallery precedent fees) letter responses sent from the institutions and referred to the committees with the committees, and sending their answers to the court letters and the results of the evaluation,
- To provide the updates of the committees and members in the registration of the current company’s authorized, partner, address, telephone and e-mail addresses,
- To organize meetings of Agriculture Working Commission, Construction and Real Estate Commission, Tourism Commission, Commercial and Production Development Commission, to carry out their work and to prepare their reports,
- Preparing fire and casualty assessments,
- To carry out studies on customary decisions,
- To fulfill the duties assigned by the General Secretariat